

Digital Tutors High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max 遊戲機器人模型教學 英文版
  • Digital Tutors High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max 遊戲機器人模型教學 英文版
  • 貨  號:cai8251-d9-1
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員:act |
  • 瀏覽次數:1042
  • 銷售價: NT$300

Digital Tutors High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max 遊戲機器人模型教學 英文版

Digital Tutors High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max 遊戲機器人模型教學 英文版

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HoneRiSO Apps -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱: Digital Tutors High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max 語系版本: 英文版 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 保護種類: 無保護 破解說明: 無 系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 軟體類型: 遊戲機器人模型教學 更新日期: 2013.10.04 軟體發行: Digital Tutors(k.EISO) 官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1048-High-Poly-Robot-Modeling-For-Games-in-3ds-Max 中文網站: 無 軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 由 Digital Tutors 教學網站所推出的教學↓ High Poly Robot Modeling For Games in 3ds Max ◎講師 Valentin Yovchev ◎適用階層 進階學習者 ◎適用軟體 3ds Max 2012 ◎教學時間 15 小時 18 分鐘 章節 1. Introduction and project overview 2. Robot sketches overview 3. Setting up the reference 4. Blocking overall body and arm joints 5. Blocking the arm and leg joint 6. Refining the chest and arms 7. Blocking the head and legs 8. Refining the arms and legs 9. Blocking the palm 10. Refining the palm and the arms 11. Refining the chest piece 12. Refining the middle chest piece 13. Setting up the chest for retopology 14. Blocking the head and arm joints 15. Blocking the rocket launchers 16. Blocking the back vents 17. Blocking the main polygons of the chest 18. Figuring out the chest topology 19. Blocking the back reactor piece 20. Capping the head and arm joints 21. Detailing head and arm joints 22. Blocking and detailing the rocket launchers 23. Blocking the rocket launcher outside piece 24. Refining the rocket launcher outside piece 25. Blocking the reactor outside piece 26. Refining the reactor and rocket pots 27. Blocking the holes for rockets 28. Detailing our rocket pots 29. Extending the rocket pots 30. Refining out the final rocket pots 31. Fixing edge flow problems on the rocket pots 32. Blocking out the basic rocket 33. Refining the rocket and adding bolts 34. Setting up the rockets in the rocket pots 35. Modeling out the reactor interior 36. Modeling the control board of the reactor 37. Adding more details to the control board 38. Finishing the control board 39. Cloning and positioning the control board 40. Blocking out the reactor core 41. Refining our complete reactor piece 42. Adding tubes to the rocket pots 43. Modeling out the vent floater 44. Detailing and positioning the vent floaters 45. Blocking out the major chest floater piece 46. Refining the big chest floater piece 47. Adding sphere detail bolts to the chest 48. Adding vents to the rocket pots 49. Edge refining the reactor and the chest 50. Refining the second big floater on the chest 51. Modeling the sphere joints 52. Modeling the high poly of the arm 53. Detailing the high poly of the arm 54. Editing the base mesh for the forearm 55. Modeling the basic high poly of the forearm 56. Modeling the forearm top piece mesh 57. Refining the forearm and blocking weapon 58. Modeling the weapon slide mechanism 59. Detailing the interior of the forearm 60. Blocking the gun barrel 61. Refining the interior of the forearm 62. Placing the forearm and fixing the interior 63. Modeling the final leg 64. Refining the final leg 65. Fixing the leg details and modeling the pelvis 66. Refining the pelvis mesh 67. Modeling the main floater for the pelvis 68. Adding vents to the pelvis mesh 69. Refining the floaters on the pelvis 70. Blocking the high poly head 71. Refining the head and blocking the eyes 72. Finishing the head and refining the eyes 73. Fixing the final head and tweaking the body 74. Blocking the palm and the finger joints 75. Modeling the fingers of the robot 76. Adding panels to the legs 77. Blocking out another floater mesh 78. Creating the main floater for the forearm 79. Unlinking and ungrouping the meshes 80. Adding smooth groups to the leg 81. Xforming the leg 82. Attaching the arm elements to pieces 83. Xforming the rocket pots 84. Xforming the bombs 85. Xforming the reactor of the robot 86. Linking the elements of the body 87. Setting up our final pose 片段介紹 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 站長安裝測試環境與安裝說明: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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